"Resbo restaurant management system" is the cloud/web based taking part to cloud computing which is demand of modern business activities to maintain quality and standard. System works efficiently for small size to large size business structure. Owner can have real time business status including customer occupancy, kitchen and staff in his mobile.
System supports for multiple kitchens or bars to send corresponding customer orders. Kitchen staff get order list from either printed KOT or from tab screen.
There is Tab system in kitchen and bar to process/deliver ordered menuitems. It supports for multiple kitchens.
There is printer to print customer ordered tickets in kitchen and bar to process/deliver items. It works fine for multiple kitchen order.
Resbo system is easy to use and flexible; can be accessed by smart phone, tab and computer. It is designed to automise the operational jobs as well as administrative jobs. TABLE DEVICE allows customers to call waiter and view their bill.